Monday January 19, 2015
Hey Family and Friends!
This has been another great week. It's been super rainy and cold, but I think maybe that's just Heavenly Father helping me not to be too shocked with the freezing cold that I'll be coming home to. The weather here is a little bipolar. One minute it will be sunny and blazing hot, we'll teach a lesson, come out a half hour later and the sky is dark and it's a torrential downpour... haha we never know so we always carry umbrellas regardless of how the sky looks.

Saturday we had another baptism! J got baptized :)Thanks for all the prayers his way! Because of the rain, the water in the baptismal font was an ugly green/brown color... bleck!! We tried putting Clorox in it to see if it would help, but it didn't do much. Luckily he was a good sport and understood that the ordinance of baptism was more important than the quality of water in which it was performed.... :) He doesn't have much support from his family, sadly none of them came... but the branch was super supportive of him and we're excited to see him progress in the gospel!
We have same great investigators right now and we had some great experiences with them this week. There is a sister and her dad that have visited with 8 different sets of missionaries over the years!! And they all have arrived at their house without knowing their previous time with missionaries. That makes me and Hermana A missionaries number 15 and 16 to teach their family. On Friday she told us that there is something about the church that just pulls her in, but she can't explain it. We talked to her about the Spirit :) She told some of her friends and family that she was going to start going to the ¨mormon church¨ and got some varied responses.... right now it is a little tough when it comes to what other people think. But I know that her time will come, and maybe it's now! We also have another named J. We found him about a month ago, we were passing his house on our way home one night and it was super late, but it was one of the moments where the Spirit was like, "go to this house!!" he left on vacation for a while but now he is back. We came back and he had invited his cousin to listen with him and was prepared with all his questions. We hope he progresses :)
Lancetilla |
Today was probably one of the most adventurous P-days I've ever had! It was awesome :) We went to a botanical garden called Lancetilla. It apparently is one of the botanical gardens that has the most variety of exotic plants, trees and fruit in the world. It's winter here so there weren't a lot in bloom but it was still beautiful.
A family of members lives about an hour hike ABOVE the garden so we set off early in the morning to visit them for breakfast.
Since it has been raining the mud was NUTS. It continued to pour rain the entire hike up. I borrowed Elder W's boots and they were a lifesaver. We also had to cross several rivers almost up to the waist but it was exciting!

There are also lychees trees on all sides up the trails so that was fun! In the garden there was a fruit called mata sabor that the also call the miracle fruit. It's a little fruit that changes the tastebuds in your mouth so that everything is sweet. I remembered that Matt had gotten a packet of those candies for Christmas one year and it was awesome to see it in real life! One of the elders ate it and then ate a sour fruit and it really does work... haha
Funny story of the week. We went to P for a zone meeting so we went to Wendy's for lunch. We sat down and were eating when all of a sudden my companion dripped ketchup all over her face from the hamburger! So we were all laughing and she said "thank goodness it didn't get on my skirt!" and in that exact moment I knocked over my full cup of grape soda and the entire contents poured onto my lap and all over my skirt.... yeah... So I got to go home 2 hours on a bus with a giant purple stain all down the front of my skirt that had soaked through to the back as well... We had a good laugh about it. It was either laugh or cry so I chose to laugh... :)
Things are still going well - just trying to hang in there and soak up every moment :) I love my mission and I love being a missionary. There really aren't words to describe my gratitude for having this experience in my life :) Sure love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Until Next Week,
Hermana Bennett